A light in the dark rise of iron
A light in the dark rise of iron

You can start using legendary engrams here, as well, just don"t decrypt any for a piece of gear you"ve already got at 350 until you"re at 348 or so: these will decrypt up to 365, so better to use them for when they have a chance to get up above 350.

a light in the dark rise of iron

You also get a free 350 artifact from Tyra as part of a quest chain, and the new Gjallarhorn will arrive at your doorstep at 350 as well. You can buy 350 items from tower vendors, so I"d recommend that if you"ve got spare legendary marks. There are a few ways to get easy items up at 350 that will accelerate you, however. If you"re really concerned about min/maxing your time here save legendary engrams during this phase.They"ll become more important later.ģ40-350: Things get a little bit slower here. If you"ve got the patience, check each decrypted item individually.

a light in the dark rise of iron

Do a few, equip them to boost your light level, and then do a few more to maximize your progress. They will decrypt up to a maximum of a few levels above your current light level, so if you have a giant stack of engrams, don"t decrypt them all at once. So just play through the game doing whatever activities you feel like, collecting blue engrams along the way.

a light in the dark rise of iron a light in the dark rise of iron

Rise of Iron just launched and with it the endless quest for slightly better loot and a better life - the new light cap is all the way up at 385, but for most people the target for right now becomes 360: that"s the recommended light for the Wrath of The Machineraid that launches on Friday, which is bound to be the best avenue towards max-level rewards.Your progression will be broken into several tiers, so we"ll go through each individually.ģ40: Getting up to 340 is the easy part: you can do it just with blue engrams, which max out at 340 and drop like crazy. With another expansion for Destiny comes another slow crawl to the top of the light level ziggurat. You are watching: Destiny max light level rise of iron Update:contraryto earlier reports, the raid dropped at 370, meaning you"ll need some endgame light from Variks, Trials for Osiris, exotic engrams or the raid itself to get up there.

A light in the dark rise of iron